Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy 2009, Oh No! It's January!

Well, since the month is almost over, and it's the usually the worst month of the year for our family, I guess I can safely post now. I guess I didnt blog about Christmas, or anything that happened in the month of December, but hey, I was 8+ months preg and didnt feel like doing anything. (just ask Russ!) We did have a great holiday and really enjoyed being in our new house for Christmas. The kids have settled nicely into our home and pretty much have a routine again. We were never sure if Weston would sleep in the basement with Spencer or not, and even had his toddler bed set up in the baby's room just in case. But, he has shocked us once again, and has slept every night in his new bunk bed with no problem! Britni is loving her new room, but sometimes gets lonely. Her poor hamster died in December, but she was able to get a new one from her brothers for Christmas.

Russ finally received his promotion in the Army from a W01 to a W02. He is officially a "Chief Warrant Officer". I was able to go to drill will him this month in KC to pin his new rank on his uniform. We had a good time and got to meet up with some friends that had moved to KC a year and half ago. They are having a baby boy soon, so it was fun to see them and reminisce!

Then, on the 13th, our little baby boy was born! Carson Duane was born at 8:23am and weighed 8lbs and 11oz, 21 inches. He has a full head of dark curly hair. Well, its curly when its wet! He is so beautiful and we are so happy to have him in our family. The kids were very excited too. We werent sure what Weston would do, but he has again surprised us and loves his "baby brother". In fact, we have to make sure Weston doesnt love him TOO much :-)

1 comment:

  1. Weston is getting so big, I bet he's really growing up fast now with baby Carson there!
