Monday, November 10, 2008

Star Student

Britni is the Star Student this week at school. Actually, she was supposed to have her turn last week, but she got sick and was out for a couple of days. So her teacher is letting her have it this week. This involves Britni bringing some things from home to show her class on the first day. The second day she shares her favorite book. The third day she gets a letter or video from home. The fourth day she gets a special guest for lunch and on the last day she gets a poster filled with compliments from her classmates. She is the last student in her class to get this honor, so she has been waiting 9 weeks! We chose to do a video for Brinti instead of a letter. Russ worked hard on it and we think it's great. I have put a copy of it on here for you to see as well. Enjoy! We are excited for Britni to see it, hopefully sometime this week at school.


Kids at the corn maze at Wilson-Rutledge Farm

Here are some cute pics of the kids on Halloween. We didnt do a theme this year as we usually do. We couldnt come up with anything, well at least not anything the kids would agree to do! We originally had Britni agreeing to being 'Sarah Palin' but then she decided that people would probably "throw eggs at her", and decided to be 'Lucy' from Narnia. Along with the Sarah Palin idea, we wanted Weston to be John McCain and Spencer to be Barack Obama. Spencer would have NOTHING to do with that, so that pretty much spoiled the plans. Well, that and Russ said it would be making too much of a political statment. I just thought it would be really funny, at least for a picture. So, we had a Lucy, an Army soldier, and Thomas. We had our ward activity that night with a chili cook-off (I took 2nd place!) and trunk-or-treat. We then went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood. The kids brought home more candy than we gave out. I think Weston consumed about 5 lbs of candy on his own that day. We had to put him through a sugar detox program. He is doing much better now! LOL