Russ said I couldnt blog while on vacation, but I guess he knows that I will do what I want anyway! We are currently in Florida at DisneyWorld! The kids, dad and I drove down to Georgia last Saturday to Russ' Warrant Officer Basic Graduation. Dad took the Jeep and drove it home and the kids and I stayed with Russ. After Russ' graduation on Wednesday the 10th (he was given one of 4 honor grad awards for being the top 20% of the class), we loaded up and headed to Florida. We got here late on Wednesday and met with Chris and Holly at the Villa we have rented for the week. Yesterday we went to Epcot and got drenched in the rain, but we had a good time anyway. Today its back to Epcot to visit the different countries there. The kids are having a good time and we are SO glad to have our daddy back!
I'm glad you guys are having so much fun, and that you got your daddy back! You're totally making me jealous though, I'm thinking all you ever do is go on vacation.